What my boys think of this whole Fifth Trimester business

This week, I've been working with a designer to create a The Fifth Trimester (T5T) logo, and just when you think kids aren't listening.... Mine have started lobbying me to go with their designs instead. What do you think? (You'll notice a theme.) Here's Will's:

"It's a brain made of puzzle pieces and one of them is always missing."—Will, age 7

"It's a brain made of puzzle pieces and one of them is always missing."—Will, age 7

And here's Teddy's:

"It's a cow with those...what do you call the things that make milk? Udders. With udders. But one of the udders is missing."—Teddy, age 4

"It's a cow with those...what do you call the things that make milk? Udders. With udders. But one of the udders is missing."—Teddy, age 4

I can't decide if I'm impressed or horrified, but as someone who has occasionally suffered from Mom Brain, and who fixated for the entirety of my own Fifth Trimesters on pumping and having enough milk, I've gotta say: I kind of think they nailed it.